Wednesday, April 24, 2013

He's God

We, me, my two amazing Honduran friends, our host and Miss Audrey, all sat around the long table. We'd just finished dinner, which was typical Honduran goodness, pupusas and nachos, topped off with a scoop of ice cream. With full stomaches we did what any typical group of girls would do, started chatting, well actually Miss Audrey started talking and we started listening. She started with one story, which led to questions, which led to more stories and we started to get a picture of her testimony, life before God and present with God.
She's a grandma, strolling her way to fifty this year, but "a four year old at heart", you could tell this to be true the way she chatted on and on and bounced from subject to subject. Her words captivated me, she took you with her by her words, you were a fly on the wall as she told of her jail experience and how God has changed her life. By looking at this woman, you never would have thought she has the story that she does. She experienced so many things, plenty of which she didn't share with us because of the sensativity of the information for our young ears and hearts, which only drew us in all the more. We all sat with our eyes wide open, mouths on the table, we didn't know what to think. I've heard peoples testimonies before, I've heard crazy stuff before, but I've never head anything like what this woman was sharing. It was just amazing to see what God did for her, even when she wasn't serving him.
God isn't a formula we can figure out. He doesn't fit into a box, because this woman's story goes against what I thought God only does and only doesn't do. But God does what he wants, when he wants, because he's in control.
It was my privaledge to have Miss Audrey stay in the same house with me. (She makes amazing Cinnamon Coffee by the way). The other morning as she was sharing how some people had prayed over her hands because one arm was longer than the other, and she had me hold out my hands as well, only to discover that I also had this issue (something I'd never seen or thought of) and so she proceeded to pray over them. I looked at my hands and the shorter one had become significanly longer than the other one, but then I looked again and they were even.
God does whatever he wants whenever he wants to, He's God.

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