Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Coming Alive

I came to Mississippi to visit my fiancé, to get to know his family and see how I would fit here when I eventually would move here, but when I came my first thoughts were that I didn't belong. The south may be in the United States, but they have their own set of rules and language. I thought I knew what the south was like after living in Dallas for three years, but big city Dallas, is nothing compared to small town Mississippi. I was very discouraged that I might not like this place as much as I hoped I would. I met Jacob's friends and family, and although they were all nice people and treated me with Southern hospitality, I couldn't help but feel that I still didn't belong with these people. God has implanted on my heart to be a missionary to other countries, not just my own. I've always been more comfortable being the only white English speaking person. On Sunday afternoon, Jacob took me to a Spanish church. The moment we arrived and the music started, I felt something come alive inside me. This was my home. In a place where people didn't speak my language and didn't look like me. This was where I belonged. Among those of other cultures.

On our way to church we stopped at a very run down trailer, to pick up a hispanic mother with her four children. Her husband had recently been taking by the police and they discovered that he was living here without the proper papers, so he was sent back to Mexico. So we did what we could and where able to connect her with this church and bring them hope. I know more clearly what my calling is and where I belong, and although the Southern culture is not what I hoped it to be, I know that I can adapted with God's help and learn to "become all things to all men that I may by all means save some".(1 Corinthians 9:22)

Falling On Purpose

The common phrase is that we "fall in love", but that has been disproven, and the greatest example we have is that God did not just happen to fall for us, but instead chose us. I didn't happen to fall in love with my best friend, it didn't sneek up on me one day. I chose to love him, and I choose to love him every day. Feelings have a way of working themselves into the mix, so there are still rose colored glasses when I look at him, so in some ways it's easy to chose to love him today, when tomorrow it might be difficult, but love is a choice not a feeling. I think in some ways I knew the moment I met him that God had a plan for us, and so over three years of bible school, we became friends. We shared our hearts and dreams and got to know each other on a friend level. After my trip to Guatemala (Jacob was on the same team with me), he made it clear that he wanted to be more than friends, and now after family approval and five months, I've said yes to marrying this man. I didn't find Mr. Perfect, but what I have found a man whose heart beats for the nations to know God. I found the one who loves me for who I am, who accepts my flaws and see's me as beautiful.

Our plan is to be married end of this spring than head to Guatemala for three months to learn Spanish and minister along side local pastors. God is leading us to live in Mississippi, Jacob's home state, for the first couple of years and minister to the Spanish community there, as well as growing in the Spanish language.

Please pray for us as we make plans for the next couple of months, and as Jacob takes a short term trip to Peru to see the potential of moving there in the future to start a disciple ministry among the locals. May God bless you!