Monday, August 25, 2014


Stateside again. We arrived about two weeks ago and have been on transitional roller coaster the whole time. We stayed with family the first two nights, than proceeded to find our own place to live. So many times as missionaries we've tell good stories about sleeping in mud huts on the field and how awesome that is, but when it's in your own country it is different in some ways. In America we have this entitlement mentality, and when I walked into this woman's house that was falling apart, I felt that I was in America so I deserved to live better than this, but God gave me a spiritual slap and challenged me to what I thought made me better than this woman? No matter what direction my life had made, God has ALWAYS provided, he always gave me a place to stay, food to eat and a good place to shower. This was no exception, it wasn't the nicest place to stay, but it was a roof over my head and God had once again provided and for now this is my home, and I will thank The Lord. We stayed with this woman for two nights before we found a different room to rent with more privacy.

When I had agreed to marry Jacob, I knew that meant agreeing to move to Mississippi as my new stateside home. I knew we would be here for at least two years. After every missions trip I've ever done, I've always returned to my parents home even if only a season, but I'm not going there this time. This is home now. It's strange, I don't think it's hit me exactly. Mississippi is not a bad place, it's as hot as people said it would be, but it's not Oregon. The people and culture are different, and I'm not sure I like it yet. But it doesn't matter much what I think about it, God has called me here as much as he has called me to the nations in the rest of the world.

God is faithful. He knows my needs even before I say them, and he will always provide. He will provide a place to live as well as peace and grace for living in a new place. He will provide friends and jobs. He has always been there for me and I don't see him failing me now.

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