Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Marriage So Far.... Warning! Mushy!

Marriage is fun. After two months I am hardly an expert, but I do know that since I married my best friend it's been fun. Has it been easy? Even after two months I have to give out a big HECK NO! Do I sometimes make a growling sound because I'm trying to hold in my frustration? HECK YES. Do I get annoyed at the way he eats? Sleeps? Has different ideas than me? Doesn't think like me? Sure I do!!! But are there good times? You Bet! I get to hang out with my best friend ALL the TIME!!! Yes, that can get old after a while, even friends can get old and annoying, but like my dad told me, even one good moment makes you forget all those bad moments ( not exact quote).
Do I miss him when he's not around? Ya, I do. Do I love the way he holds my hand, or kisses me? How he cares about my opinion even when I don't have one? How he washes clothes BY HAND for me, even though he's just has tired as I am? Yes, I do love those things about him. 

Before you get married EVERYONE and THEIR MOTHER feels the need to give advice, and of course you take it with a smile. Some of it you keep, some of you chew around for a while, and some of it you through away immediately. But if I were to give advice, I wouldn't. Yes there are basic principles for marriage, but I can't tell you how your marriage will be, or what you should and shouldn't do, but I can say that marriage is fun. Enjoy it. Is God at the center? Than you're good to go. Singles? Don't be in a rush, I know you've heard it all before, but when it's God's timing it's perfect and work out your junk without someone else to distract you, it's the best thing you can give to your spouse and marriage. 

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