Sunday, June 16, 2013


Tu eres princesa you are a princess. Maiblene's face lit up as the truth of that statement hit her. She was a princess of God. It was the second school of the first day, and the first time we had been to this school, when the spirit of God moving among the children's hearts and they encountered the fathers love. For so many of these kids here in Guatemala they are rarely told who they are and have no idea what God actually thinks of them. In this fatherless nation they are hungering to know a father. We poured ourselves into two full days of preparing a skit, lesson and songs to teach these kids that Dios es un Papa Amoroso. God is a loving father. We sweated in the summer heat and fell into bed each night exhausted, but it was do worth it to see this little girls face when she encountered the truth. There were many mistakes and lots of broken, mispronounced Spanish, but in the end the kids still loved us and God still poured out his spirit upon them. There is no junior Holy Spirit and the same spirit that lives in you lives in many of them now and they are forever changed by the Fathers love. Maiblene is one eight year old little girl who now knows she is special In the eyes of God. The truth has been spoken and his word will not return void.

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