Saturday, June 1, 2013


It seemed like routine ministry (nothing with God is routine) go pray with people and see God move. Our team, six Americans, six natives, walked up to the house, Pastor called out the greeting and we were ushered into the living room. 
It had a dirt floor and a couch, there were sheets hung up on string to block off a corner for the bedroom and little else. We knew before going in that this young thirteen year old girl who went to the church we were with was having a hard time at home. Her parents were divorced and she loved with her mom and step dad who were not believers. 
We asked the mom for prayer needs and her story was translated to us that she had returned home last night to find her husband had attacked her daughter. She had grabbed the machete and would have killed him had he not ran away. The girl started to cry as the story was told and I went to her and wrapped my arms around her. We began to pray over the home and as I prayed for this girl my heart broke. God moved something inside me and I began to feel her pain, all I could whisper to her was "It's ok. Esta bien." 
I hugged her good bye and walked out of the house and didn't stop. I didn't look back. I didn't wait for my team. I walked down the dirt road and the tears flowed out of me. I didn't stop until I got to the church about five hundred feet away, and I got real with God. In the bible it says that we can approach his throne with confidence. I marched right up to that throne and pounded on his chest and cried and cried. All he said was "It's ok." 
While I can't understand everything, I learned that our only hope is Christ. If we don't let to and trust him to make justice, we will become angry and bitter. My God is a big God and a Good God. My hope is in him. 

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