Thursday, March 21, 2013

The New Normal


So I am offically starting a blog for all my adventures as a missionary. I was inspired by reading the blog of another missionary and her realness and maybe this can inspire someone else to BE REAL. Not make everything out to be great when it´s not and just being honest. So here we go.

Havening been in Honduras for about two months I am learning to do things as they do, ¨when in Rome...¨and so there are somethings that were a little strange to me when I first arrived.

• Wearing bug spray as if it were perfume
• taking a cold shower
• eating beans and tortillas for breakfast
• wearing a sweater because it´s in the 70´s
• not stopping at stop signs
• always having a thin layer of dust...on everything
• squishing bugs
• encountering a cochroach in the bathroom at least once a day
• being kissed on the cheek by everyone
• being smothered with hugs everyday
• being starred at because of my white skin and blue eyes
• wearing a scarf when it rains
• saying ¨How are you doing?¨... even if you've already asked that person the same day

There are many more but hopefully you see a little of the things that I live with, in a good way, these things are so natural to me that I don´t think twice about them. I love Honduras and the people make it an easy life to live here.

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