Friday, April 8, 2016


Jacob and I sat around the dinner table, our faithful dog at our feet, in our great house, with wonderful friends. I looked at Jacob and said "We've arrived." We had great jobs, great enough income, a great car that we had gotten a great price, and a safe neighborhood full of people like us. We finally made it to the destination neither of us had any desire to be at. We had accomplished every goal we had never set out to have. When Jacob and I had decided that a life in another country, preaching the Word, was for us, separately in our hearts, even before we were married, we had decided that nothing was going to stop us. People have often asked us why we don't get good jobs and live in the states and preach to people here? They need it to. And they are right, and we do. Everywhere we are we speak the gospel and the greatest way we do that, is in our lives. By giving up everything we could have and getting what God really wants to give us. God has provided the best for us in the states and life has been easy because of it, but if tomorrow he took it all away, neither of us would have lost anything. We have all these things and we hold them with open hands, they can be taken or given at any moment. We are more than willing to do whatever God says to do. We have often said that if God called us to live in the states that would be the ultimate sacrifice for us. Not that we hate nice stuff, but that is not what God has put into the DNA of our calling. He said go, and he has molded us and changed us and made us into people more than willing to go, so that everyday we aren't making a sacrifice, we are living out our purpose with joy and peace; we are were God wants us and when you are there is nothing that can steal your peace. I don't want to toot our own horn, but encourage you to be exactly where God has you and you will have peace and confidence.

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