Saturday, June 14, 2014

Planes, vans and airports

Three planes, two nights and one lost bag later, we arrived in San Pedro, Guatemala. 

We'd been traveling since Wednesday night. We arrived in Mexico City airport, to find that they had detained my bag for the alcohol smell coming from it, which was actually my perfume. When we arrived in Guatemala, we realized Jacob had left one of his carry ons back in Mexico. When we arrived in Antigua, we discovered that we would have to wait until Friday for a van to take us to San Pedro, to say it had been a long 24 hours was accurate. 

After a good nights rest, we took the three hour van ride to San Pedro on Lake Atitlan. Our host family is a gift from God. A sweet family that loves Jesus, and we have the right amount of privacy a newly married missionary couple could expect. We had the pleasure of being a part a prayer night for our host's nephew, to pray for him to come to know Jesus. It was nice to not be expected as missionaries, but rather invited as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Spanish classes start Monday... God! help me! 

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