Friday, February 14, 2014


Using today's slang when trying to tell about a traumatic event in your life, just isn't able to convey what you're really trying to say. Using #seriousmoment doesn't really seem to cut it, neither this :( , or this :,( or a sad face photo; sometimes you have to use your words. 

Malaika Lorraine was born January 25.
My fifth niece came into this world after twelve hours of labor and a last minute C-section, but that wasn't the only event that captured that day, it was also the day my sister almost died. During the C-section my sister, Rochelle, lost too much blood and was given a blood transfusion. I sat in the operating room holding my niece praying to the One who could save her, He whispered to me "She will live and not die", peace came over me and I knew I would see my sister laugh again. I tell you this story because as some of you know my sister is a missionary in Africa and she desired so much to come back to the states to have her second baby, if she had not she might not have lived. This is not the first time her life choice to follow God has been threatened, BUT GOD... He has a plan for her life and for her husband and two children, they will live and not die and they will fulfill his plan for them here in the States and in Uganda, Africa. 

You may feel as though something in your life is dying, but God is saying that it will live and not die. God is in control. Let his peace be your strength. Trust him to be faithful to his promises to fulfill the dreams in your heart. 

"I will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground. I will plant trees in the barren desert— cedar, acacia, myrtle, olive, cypress, fir, and pine. I am doing this so all who see this miracle will understand what it means— that it is the Lord who has done this, the Holy One of Israel who created it." (Isaiah 41:18-20 NLT)

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