Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Waving Goodbye

Fernando and I waved through the gate at the bus. We were saying good bye to the rest of my team, who were headed to Guatemala City to fly back to the states. I on the other hand would board another bus to head back to Honduras for a couple of days before heading stateside. Graduation had come and gone. We had said our final good byes and hugs and kisses. It was time to move on. There were relationships that had been made that will last a lifetime. Ten weeks had flown by, but I can still remember the first day, passing through the city at 6 am just as the town was waking up. 

For every season there is a time and the season of Guatemala has come to an end, the next season is of rest and family and friends. I wish learning came to an end but it doesn't so I will be ready with an open heart and open ears as The Lord leads me into the next step. One step at a time. A lamp onto my feet. A light onto my path. 

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