Moving from a northern culture that I was comfortable with to a southern culture that was less than home to me, was a shock. When I signed up for a missionaries life I knew it meant leaving my family, leaving my state and going wherever my Lord asked me to go, but I didn't know it meant Mississippi. I thought it meant the jungles of Colombia. The villages of India. The mountains of Papua New Guinea. The Great Wall of China. Not a small blimp on a map.
This isn't the first time God has brought to my attention that my focus is on doing rather than being with him, but obviously I didn't learn it, because I still cry and pout that I'm not doing "great things for God". He never asked me to me to go the jungles or the villages and tribes, he asked me to obedient to go wherever he sent me, to do all that he asked, and to say all that he told me to say. Who am I serving? God or missions? What is my heart after, my God or myself?
As we begin this New Year, I pose the same question to you. Who are you living for? God or self? Where will you spend your time, money and resources? Getting to know your creator or just doing?