Monday, November 10, 2014

Rice Noodles

Cambodia and Vietnam are two different countries in so many ways. Beyond their different border lines, lay two different cultures; the opposite of each other, neither like the other. In Cambodia you saw smiling faces, there was joy on their hearts. They had hope. They had freedom. Vietnam was heavy. Not many smiles, no joy, there was little hope. On the outside they had buildings of beauty, but behind was their ugly past, that wasn't going to be easily erased. You found children abandoned, Christians persecuted; constant fear. Those who labor there every day have a lot of work ahead of them, but God's grace is sufficient. 

                House of Grace Children            

The truth about a country as a whole is not fully seen in a couple of days, but first impressions speak volumes. There is still much labor to be done in both countries to bring in the harvest, but there are few workers. 

My time in Asia this time was vastly different from my first trip to China at 19. I was give the privilege to hold an orphans hand and extend love that might not have been there before; I spoke to underground church pastors and ate a lot of rice noodles. It was a wonderful time to meet fellow workers of Grace International and workers for the kingdom. 

I found that I didn't "feel" a particular call to either of these countries to be in full time, but what do I know about what tomorrow may bring?...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Full Hearts & Stomachs

It was probably the best day since we arrived in this humid, beautiful country. When you travel the world for the sake of travel, you soak in everything and see everything you can; when you travel the world for the sake of the gospel seeing those amazing sights, eating great food, having your nose filled with...interesting smells, they become a cherry on top, but they aren't the goal. 

This was Cambodia for me. I've been to many places and seen many things, but when I arrived here, although I enjoyed the dance through traffic and the noodles for breakfast, I wanted to get to the people and see their lives changed. The reason we had come here was to celebrate five years of the orphanage that Grace International had helped build. Which was a great event and a good time, we served by helping to put it together. But my favorite part of this trip was going to a nearby village and sharing the gospel and feeding them lunch. It was a joy to see them leave with full hearts and full stomachs. 

Cambodia is a a beautiful place with beautiful people. I am honored to have been a part of this event. To share in the joy of my brothers and sisters from across the world.